We can repair the parts those unable to use due to corrosion or wear to usable status to reduce the purchase cost and quantity on the production line.
  • Support Roll

OEM for metal products, includes design and manufacturing of machining, spray coating design and manufacturing.

Lifetime extension
Improve parts durability by enhance the wear resistance and corrosion resistance and extend its service time to reduce the cost of replace parts.
On-site Service
PMT provides on-site service for workpieces can’t be easily disassembled.
Material Analysis
Microstructure analysis, composition analysis, hardness analysis, bond strength analysis, abrasion test, salt spray test.
  • Microstructure analysis
    PMT provides OM and SEM+EDS microstructure analysis. We can analyze powder, coating and corespective regular material.
    Metallographic Structure(Powder/Deposition)
    SEM Microstructure(Powder/Deposition)
    EDS Elemental Analysis
    EDS Elemental Analysis
  • Hardness analysis
    PMT provides Vickers hardness analysis for spray coatings made by  metals, ceramics or other composite materials. The test is also suitably performed on regular materials like plates and tubes.
    Vickers hardness
  • Bond strength analysis
    PMT provides bond strength test for spray coatings . Widely applicable to metal, ceramic or other composite coating materials.
    Universal Testing Machine
  • Abrasion test
    PMT provides salt spray test for spray coatings to evaluate the corrosion resistance of metal, ceramic or other composite coating materials.
    Abrasive Tester
  • Salt spray test
    PMT provides salt spray test for spray coatings to evaluate the corrosion resistance of metal, ceramic or other composite coating materials.
    Salt Spray Tester